Expository Writing Sample: Frothy Formations: Lattes in the Lab
Think about the rhetorical situation of each of these texts. How do components of the rhetorical situation (writer, audience, purpose, exigence, subject, context, genre) shape the outcome of the text?
APA Citations
Klein, J. (2017, Dec 19). Frothy Formations: Lattes in the Lab. New York Times. Retrieved from search-proquest-com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org/…/1
Xue, N., Khodaparast, S., Zhu, L , Nunes, J.K., Kim, H., & Stone, H. (2017). Laboratory layered latte. Nature Communications, 8 (1960). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-01852-2