17 What Happened to Detroit?


About the author

The photo essay below comes from an anonymous group that calls itself “DetroitUrbex.” The term “Urbex” stands for “urban explorers.” This group infiltrates abandoned buildings and photographs them, documenting the decay and often providing before-and-after photos from its research into historical archives. The essay below tells the brief story of Detroit’s boom and bust cycle that caused two-thirds of the population to leave and created a modern landscape littered with abandoned buildings. The story serves as a warning for other cities. Anchorage itself experienced a boom in population, and its population is also now shrinking. What similarities with Detroit do you see in Anchorage?




If you are interested in more images and information about Detroit, check out DetroitUrbex’s much longer photo essay the provide lots of additional details.





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This work (What Happened to Detroit? by DetroitUrbex) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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